ICTT (“Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality”) is an interdisciplinary research group of 31 permanent members belonging to English, French, Italian, Spanish Studies and Linguistics and comprising 18 PhD students. The starting point for the coming together of its members was the creation of a Masters degree in Arts and Languages. The main research objective is to examine identity and its representation within minority groups and within societies in transition which have been modified by migratory movements. The application of a critical approach which seeks to explore the domain of cultural identity naturally takes into account both literary and theatrical texts which are necessarily anchored in a social, and thus historical and political context, and nourished by the study of language. From 2012 to 2016, theatrical creation as a dynamic process will be at the centre of the research carried out by the group and will be situated in the context of the gloabalisation of culture which raises pressing questions about the construction and the representation of identity in new aesthetic, cultural and linguistic spaces.