SEM Esmali 15/12/22

Pour la prochaine séance du séminaire Esmali ICTT et le LMA auront le plaisir d’accueillir  Henry Staten, Lockwood Professor in the Humanities de l’Université de Washington (Seattle) qui fera une conférence intitulée: « Throwing Light on the Mystery of Creation, With the Help of Aristotle and Hadamard »

La conférence aura lieu le jeudi 15 décembre à 15h en distanciel par le lien suivant:

Henry Staten is Lockwood Professor in the Humanities at the University of Washington (Seattle).  Beginning with his 1984 book, Wittgenstein and Derrida, he has written across the boundaries between literature, analytic philosophy, and continental philosophy, writing on topics from Homer and Plato to James Joyce, Heidegger, and the theory of interpretation (the subject of The Craft of Poetry: Conversations on Interpretation, co-written with Derek Attridge).  His most recent book is Techne Theory: A New Language for Art (2019), and since then he has focused on the work of the neuro-anthropologist Terrence Deacon and, most recently, « enactivist » theory, especially in its Peircean form.